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Chengkai Ji

I am a very optimistic person. I can stay calm under most circumstances. But being optimistic can be both good and bad and I am trying to work on by always have a plan B. Furthermore, I love all kinds of sports especially soccer and skiing. I am also a musician and I have learned to play cello for over 16 years. 

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Jinwen Zhang

I am fat but I can proud of it. I can eat whatever I want. I am also an authentic gamer. I have played a lot of games and games from blizzard are my favorite. I wish to be a data analyst in the future and enter an investment bank. So I will have opportunities to access real-time data and have more insight into the market.

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Jenny Fisher

Hi! My name is Jenny Fisher. I have a strong passion for learning new things. I strongly believe that if I think I already know everything, then I will grow old long before my time, I will cease to grow inside of myself, and I will have nothing to give of value to the little ones. I must constantly seek out the new…the remarkable and magnificent. I also love traveling and love to try out different types of cuisines. My dream would be using my unique educational experiences from school and life to serve and make a difference around the world. As the saying goes…I am shinning for myself and I do not need an audience.

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About Our Project

the most advanced authorship detector

  In modern education, as computer-related courses become an integral part of the educational
system, being able to detect the originality of code is becoming more important and an urgent
task. whether it was on a test, plagiarism, or copying homework. Detecting plagiarism manually
is a challenging task because it is difficult and time-consuming. Source code plagiarism usually
occurs in the classroom setting, with students copying each other’s work, our toolkit is designed
to process the python submissions and compare them to one another. This way, the instructor can
either compare two submissions side by side or analyze the work of the entire course. The
algorithm differentiates between variables and their values, commentaries and code segments,
and long string values and commands. It’s also familiar with programming language-specific
keywords and built-in functions.

The main purpose of this project is to develop a plagiarism toolkit using machine learning
methods to identify and detect plagiarism in source code. Hence, automated search tools are
particularly helpful in detecting similarity between pairs of programs.

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